Installation Phase

Phases of Implementation:  1. Exploration  >  2. Installation  >  3. Initial Implementation  >  4. Full Implementation  >  5. Sustainability

Preparing your site to launch Too Good requires the examination and strengthening of the structural and functional components necessary to deliver the intervention with success.  The following tasks and activities will help prepare your site and build confidence to implement Too Good with fidelity.

Installation Outcomes:

  • An Implementation Team is in place to guide the implementation process consistent with the Too Good Fidelity Model.
  • The Implementation Coordinator has received Too Good Curriculum and Too Good Implementation Training.
  • Lesson facilitators have completed a Too Good Curriculum Training.
  • Program materials, equipment, and classroom space have been secured.
  • Coaching and technical assistance have been arranged.
  • Monitoring and fidelity assessment systems are in place.
  • Communication protocols are in place to support ongoing buy-in, disseminate procedure updates, and assess implementation quality.

Installation Goals and Activities

Goal 1: Establish an Implementation Team

The Implementation Team is responsible for facilitating the implementation process through the establishment of a supportive planning and operating environment, building communication and feedback loops, preparing facilitators, and developing communication plans for putting Too Good programs in place.  An Implementation Team typically consists of three or more full-time professionals who understand the Too Good programs, prevention education, fidelity of implementation, and organization change. 

Your Implementation Team should include a member of the administrative staff who can authorize preparations and necessary tasks and changes at the site level for Too Good program installation.  The Implementation Team leader  functions as the Implementation Coordinator.

Implementation Coordinator

The Implementation Coordinator, IC, manages the day-to-day activities of the Implementation Team and serves as its primary contact.  The IC will serve as the nexus for your implementation’s Too Good lesson facilitators, Too Good trainers, the Mendez Foundation, and your funder.  This person should have a working knowledge of the concepts of fidelity of implementation and program dosage.  The IC must be trained in the selected Too Good curricula and Too Good implementation to work collaboratively over time with the Mendez Foundation and lesson facilitators to support implementation fully and with fidelity.  The IC will address adaptations with the Mendez Foundation and work with your funding source to administer a Quality Assurance Review if your program plan requires it.

Implementation Team

The members of the Implementation Team should be ready to support the IC and coordinate the following tasks:

  • Identify structural and functional changes necessary for the program to be installed. These changes could include hiring lesson facilitators if your school is not using existing classroom teachers, identifying and securing classroom space, and staff allocation.
  • Monitor progress, expenditures, performance, and other reporting required by your funding source.
  • Develop communication protocols including staff orientation meetings, staff meetings, ongoing buy-in and updates with key stakeholders, and other regular messaging systems.
  • Coordinate Too Good Curriculum Training sessions for lesson facilitators.
  • Provide ongoing fidelity of implementation coaching and support.
  • Facilitate data collection, analysis, and reporting.
  • Lesson delivery monitoring
  • Sustainability planning

Goal 1 Activities:

  • Identify an administrator necessary to support preparations, organizational changes, and the appointment of Implementation Team members.
  • Assign or hire an Implementation Coordinator.
  • Coordinate Too Good Implementation Training for the IC.
  • Assign or hire additional Implementation Team members.
  • Hold an orientation meeting for the Implementation Team to discuss commitment to roles, responsibilities, and tasks for program installation and implementation.

Goal 2: Prepare Delivery Sites for Implementation

At this stage, your site has determined that Too Good is a program fit for your student needs and that your site can implement Too Good effectively.  Your Implementation Team will make preparations for program delivery and put any operational changes in place.

Goal 2 Activities:

  • Determine when in the school calendar you will begin full lesson delivery and schedule student pre- and post outcome evaluations.
  • Elect or hire Too Good facilitators.
  • Coordinate Too Good curriculum training sessions for facilitators.
  • Ensure classroom space and any necessary equipment are available.
  • Distribute program kits, materials, and evaluation tools.

Goal 3: Develop Communication Protocols

Clear and free-flowing communication between the Implementation Team, site staff and facilitators, funders, and other key stakeholders is essential for maintaining buy-in and quick problem solving if adjustments to your implementation are necessary.  Keeping key stakeholders informed of the implementation progress and critical changes to the implementation plan will keep your implementation on track and on time so you can maximize performance and outcomes.

Goal 3 Activities:

  • Identify audiences who need to understand, support, and receive ongoing buy-in and updates throughout implementation.
  • Determine the messages, materials, and formats appropriate to each audience.
  • Identify potential implementation challenges like resistance to change, inertia, inappropriate program adaptations, and staff turnover and your team’s “best practices” response to these challenges. Be prepared to detect these barriers as early as possible to maintain the quality of your implementation.
  • Prepare meeting schedules for the Implementation Team, administration or other key stakeholders, and lesson facilitators.
  • Establish ongoing coaching, technical assistance, and feedback practices for your Too Good lesson facilitators.

Goal 4: Develop Data Systems, Evaluation, and Monitoring

Data collection and reporting systems for monitoring and evaluating lesson delivery, program fidelity, and student outcomes must be in place before the first Too Good lesson is delivered to students.

Goal 4 Activities:

  • Establish a data system to collect, monitor, and report fidelity and student outcomes.
  • Conduct training to ensure proper use of fidelity and outcome evaluation tools.

Next Phase:  Initial Implementation