News · May 04, 2017
As we approach the final weeks of the school year, Too Good has some exciting news before you wrap up: the new, revised edition of Too Good for Violence – Social Perspectives is here. This program will be available the week of May 29th and is available for pre-order now.
The revised Too Good For Violence - Social Perspectives High School Edition is a highly acclaimed, evidence-based program that empowers teens with the skills they need for academic, social and life success. The 10-week curriculum is proven to help educators engage students in grades 9-12 build core social-emotional competencies that foster self and social awareness. The program also teaches college and career readiness to prepare students for the challenges they will face in high school and beyond.
A March 2017 study by the Aspen Institute and The Aspen Education & Society Program demonstrates that classroom instruction that promotes high school students’ social and emotional learning (SEL) facilitates better student outcomes on college- and career-ready (CCR) standards. Over the past several years, states have developed and adopted rigorous standards in language arts and mathematics that build toward college and career readiness by the time students graduate from high school. Nearly every state has adopted these CCR standards and the federal government has supported these state-led efforts.
The research-based Too Good for Violence - Social Perspectives lessons help high school students build character and peer pressure refusal skills and college and career readiness. The curriculum teaches critical concepts through interactive lessons, games, and activities to practice and reinforce skills. Students are engaged in a safe and supportive learning environment that promotes social and academic success.