Program Updates and News

Check here for information about the latest program announcements, updates, and revisions.

Too Good OST

Now Available

Students take their learning to new heights in this interactive evidence-based prevention education program developed for the out-of-school environment. Too Good OST addresses primary prevention skills and applies them in the Peace Building learning sets and Making Healthy Choices learning sets. 

Too Good OST offers developmentally appropriate activities for young learners ages 5-11 in three activity sets tailored to the readiness at each age group. Each age group builds on previous levels developing the skills sequentially with engaging, age-appropriate activities.

Every fun, exciting, inventive activity featured in Too Good OST is designed to meet the needs of the students at their age and cognitive ability. The activity sets introduce, practice, and reinforce essential prevention concepts through a variety of positive, age-appropriate activities including games, stories, and songs.

Too Good OST is  supported in the Too Good Lesson Resources Center with access to downloadable content including Talk It Out Activities, Evaluation Instruments, Lesson Visuals, Parent Letters, and Activity Instructions.

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Too Good for Drugs Grade 5

2024 Edition

Now Available

In this update, learning objectives and activities have been introduced to promote positive digital citizenship skills development.  Scenarios, role plays, and interactive learning activities feature online and in person scenarios for introduction, application, and practice of the program’s skills and strategies in virtual interaction environments.  The course aims to increase student adoption of the role of positive digital citizen as they practice and develop the skills and expectations of the digital citizen. 

Activity changes include the addition of the Good Call puzzle in the Setting Reachable Goals lesson for student practice in the skills necessary to interact with others online in appropriate and respectful ways.  

The Cosmic Cleanup game board is removed from the Student Workbook and is now a kit item. The Space Race activity in the course review is replaced by  Mission to Space. Space Walk activity is replaced by Ground Control in the Peer Refusal lesson.

Too Good for Drugs Grade 5 is now supported in the Too Good Lesson Resources Center with access to downloadable content including Home Workouts, Evaluation Instruments, Lesson Visuals, Parent Letters, and Activity Instructions.

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Too Good for Drugs and A Peaceable Place Grade 5

2024 Edition

Now Available

In this bundle, learning objectives and activities  promote positive digital citizenship skills development.  Scenarios, role plays, and interactive learning activities feature online and in person scenarios for introduction, application, and practice of the program’s skills and strategies in virtual interaction environments.  The course aims to increase student adoption of the role of positive digital citizen as they practice and develop the skills and expectations of the digital citizen. 

Activity changes include the addition of the Good Call puzzle in the Setting Reachable Goals lesson for student practice in the skills necessary to interact with others online in appropriate and respectful ways.  

The Cosmic Cleanup game board is removed from the Student Workbook and is now a kit item. The Space Race activity in the course review is replaced by  Mission to Space. Space Walk activity is replaced by Ground Control in the Peer Refusal lesson.

Too Good for Drugs and A Peaceable Place Grade 5 is supported in the Too Good Lesson Resources Center with access to downloadable content including Home Workouts, Evaluation Instruments, Lesson Visuals, Parent Letters, and Activity Instructions.

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A Peaceable Place Grade 5

2024 Edition

Now Available

In this update, learning objectives and activities have been introduced to promote positive digital citizenship skills development.  Scenarios, role plays, and interactive learning activities feature online and in person scenarios for introduction, application, and practice of the program’s skills and strategies in virtual interaction environments.  The course aims to increase student adoption of the role of positive digital citizen as they practice and develop the skills and expectations of the digital citizen. 

Activity changes include the addition of the Good Call puzzle in the Setting Reachable Goals lesson for student practice in the skills necessary to interact with others online in appropriate and respectful ways.  

A Peaceable Place Grade 5 is now supported in the Too Good Lesson Resources Center with access to downloadable content including Home Workouts, Evaluation Instruments, Lesson Visuals, Parent Letters, and Activity Instructions.

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A Peaceable Place Grade 5


Too Good for Drugs Grade 3

2022 Edition

Now Available

In this update, the Otto Matic robot toy has been replaced with an Otto Matic poster in the Curriculum Kit.  The Student Workbook has been updated to align references with the Otto Matic poster.  

The “Troubleshooting” activity instructions have been modified to ease instruction.

Instances of the term “tobacco” have been changed to “nicotine” in many instances in the lesson script and activities in Lesson 10: It Still Stinks.

Too Good for Drugs Grade 3 is now supported in the Too Good Lesson Resources Center with access to downloadable content including Home Workouts, Evaluation Instruments, Lesson Visuals, Parent Letters, and Activity Instructions. 

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TGFD GRade 3 2022 Edition

A Peaceable Place Grade 3

2022 Edition 

Now Available

In this update, the Otto Matic robot toy has been replaced with an Otto Matic poster in the Curriculum Kit.  The Student Workbook has been updated to align references with the Otto Matic poster.  

The “Troubleshooting” activity instructions have been modified to ease instruction.

A Peaceable Place Grade 3 is now supported in the Too Good Lesson Resources Center with access to downloadable content including Home Workouts, Evaluation Instruments, Lesson Visuals, Parent Letters, and Activity Instructions. 

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Too Good for Drugs & Violence  Grade 3

2022 Edition

Now Available

The Expansion Unit for Grade 3 has been discontinued and has been replaced with a combined program incorporating the Substance Use prevention and Character Education and Bullying Prevention lessons from Too Good for Drugs and A Peaceable Place into a single 15 lesson volume.

All of the changes in the Grade 3 programs outlined above are included in this program.

Too Good for Drugs & Violence Grade 3 is supported in the Too Good Lesson Resources Center with access to downloadable content including Home Workouts, Evaluation Instruments, Lesson Visuals, Parent Letters, and Activity Instructions. 

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TGFDV Grade 3 Teacher Manual

Seeds of Nutrition Grade 6

2022 Edition

Now Available

Students navigate their way to a healthy future in Seeds of Nutrition for Grade 6.  This research-based prevention curriculum prepares children to prioritize their personal health through a better understanding of the role their choices play on their health.

Lessons present the roles of the five essential nutrients, hydration, rest, and exercise in healthy body function and health.

Seeds of Nutrition Grade 6 is supported in the Too Good Lesson Resources Center with access to downloadable content including Home Workouts, Evaluation Instruments, Lesson Visuals, Parent Letters, and Activity Instructions

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Seeds of Nutrition Grade 6