Select editions of Too Good for Drugs, Too Good for Violence, and Seeds of Nutrition include a Lesson Resources Pack as part of the curriculum kit. Downloaded resources replace content in the Teacher Manual to ease lesson preparation and the distribution of handouts and other student delivered materials.
Display Cards, Student Handouts, Activity Instructions, Home Workouts in English and Spanish, Evaluation Instruments, Family Letters in English and Spanish, and Completion Certificates can be quickly accessed for print, download, and/or distribution.
Instructors can access and print these resources for easier lesson preparation and classroom dissemination.
The lesson resources are presented in the order they appear in the course, and thumbnail images in the Lesson Resource Center match thumbnail images of these resources in the Teacher Manual to help you pace your lesson delivery and ease lesson preparation.
Elementary and Middle School Lesson Resource PacksLesson materials for select elementary and middle school Too Good programs are hosted on the Too Good Lesson Resource Center for easy access to download, review, and/or print as part of your lesson Evaluation Instruments are hosted in the Lesson Resource Center. Use the Evaluation Instruments to assess the fidelity of your program implementation and measure the effects of your program delivery on your students. Additional information about administering the Evaluation Instruments to measure student outcomes and process outcomes is provided int he Appendix of the Teacher Manual. |
High School Lesson Resource PacksLesson materials for High School are hosted on the Too Good Lesson Resource Center. Here you can present the companion web-based course materials in your classrooms as part of your lesson delivery. Web-based resources can be viewed or printed for distribution to your students. Evaluation Instruments are hosted in the Lesson Resource Center. Use the Evaluation Instruments to assess the fidelity of your program implementation and measure the effects of your program delivery on your students. Additional information about administering the Evaluation Instruments to measure student outcomes and process outcomes is provided int he Appendix of the Teacher Manual. |
Getting StartedOnce you have purchased a Curriculum Kit that includes Lesson Resources Packs, we will assist you or your administrator in providing access to your implementation team. |
Contact us for more information, and we will be happy to assist you.
Lesson Resource Packs are included with the programs identified below. Refer to the item number of the Teacher Manual of the Too Good program you are implementing to confirm if it includes Lesson Resource Packs. Not all editions and programs include a Lesson Resource Pack. For more information, consult your Teacher Manual.
Contact us for more information, and we will be happy to assist you.
Your purchasing organization will have a designated Too Good Program Administrator to manage and distribute access licenses for the Too Good Lesson Resource Center.
Following a kit purchase, the administrator will establish an account for classroom instructors to access the Too Good Lesson Resource Center.
Classroom instructors and other staff delivering the program will be sent an email message from the Too Good Lesson Resource Center providing access credentials.
Once you have your access credentials, visit to access the Lesson Resource Center. Click the link or copy and paste it in your browser. From there, you will be prompted to log in to your account.
If you have not already registered your account in the Lesson Resource Center, refer to your Teacher Manual for registration instructions.
Lesson Resource SelectionOnce you have successfully logged into your account, your Too Good Lesson Resources page will present the Too Good programs you have access to. To access a lesson resource item:
Depending on your browser and settings, the file will appear in your downloads cache or it will open in your browser. The lesson resources are presented in the order they appear in the course. Thumbnail images on the Lesson Content pages match thumbnail images of the resources in your Teacher Manual. These images will assist you in accessing the material you need for each lesson. |
Contact us for more information, and we will be happy to assist you.
Program Administrators can manage Lesson Resource Pack licenses at To manage your program instructors and their access licenses, log in with your current credentials.
Once logged in, you can Register a new instructor, remove an existing instructor, and assign licenses. This function is only available to Program Managers.
Register an InstructorTo register a new instructor, select Manage Instructor Accounts from the home page. Select Add an Instructor Account. Complete the registration form and click Register to confirm. From there, you will be redirected to the Edit an Instructor Account page where you can assign access to the program(s) the instructor will deliver. The new instructor you registered will receive their Lesson Resource Center access credentials in an automated email. |
Assign Instructor LicensesOnce registered, Instructors will need a program license to access their Lesson Resource Packs. To assign a license, scroll down to the Manage Instructor Licenses section on the Edit an Instructor Account page. Find the program or programs to be assigned to the Instructor and select the checkbox in the Access column. The available program licenses are indicated in the Available Licenses column. Click Save to save your changes. |
Remove an InstructorTo delete a current instructor, select Manage Instructor Accounts from the home page. Select Edit Instructor Accounts. Then, select the instructor you want to delete. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Delete Instructor. You will be asked if you are sure you want to delete this user. Select OK. From there you can select another Instructor or Return to Manage Accounts. The number of available licenses will adjust as access is assigned or revoked. Each Too Good curriculum kit includes two Lesson Resource Pack licenses. |
Contact us for more information, and we will be happy to assist you.