Social Perspectives Grade 5 - 2019 Edition Expansion Unit

The evidence-based Too Good for Violence - Social Perspectives program empowers fifth graders with the tools they need to be positive role models in their schools and communities. Through fun, interactive games, activities, and role-plays, students learn skills like how to communicate assertively, disagree respectfully, cooperate to resolve a conflict, and recognize and respond to bullying situations.

This Expansion Unit adds these essential social constructs to your Too Good for Drugs Grade 5 curriculum to form a 15 lesson set for seamless implementation.

Compatible with TGFD Grade 5 2019 Edition, Teacher Manual #A3501

Discontinued. No Longer Available

Expansion Unit Kit - Item #C9550


The Too Good toolkit includes everything you need to teach the lessons:

  • Expansion Unit Teacher Manual Insert
  • 30 Student workbooks
  • Approaches to Conflict Poster
  • How to De-escalate a Conflict Poster
  • Bullying Response Strategy Display Cards
  • Pre-Flight Check Card Game, 4 sets
  • Navigator Card Game, 1 set
  • Mission Training Board Game, 4 sets

Curriculum Features include:

  • Five fully scripted forty-five minute lessons.  
  • Clearly stated, measurable objectives and a list of materials needed to teach the lesson. 
  • Teacher prompts and anticipated student responses keep the delivery easy, paced and on time.
  • Assessment materials to measure program effectiveness, fidelity of implementation, and student knowledge.
  • "Home Workout: Exercises for adults and kids," extends skill development and messages into the home for practice and reinforcement. 
  • "Looking for More?" with extending learning, recommended reading, and additional activities to reinforce important concepts and skills.  Program logic model including the program's research base and theory of change and the proven strategies incorporated into the lessons. 
  • Strategies for building family and school connectedness to reinforce the healthy social and emotional development of the students in and out of school. 

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