Too Good Adaptation Protocol

The Too Good prevention programs are evidence-based universal interventions that have undergone rigorous evaluation to establish their effectiveness.  Once a program has established effectiveness, the quality of program implementation will determine how likely the intended outcomes will be achieved. In an intervention delivered with high Fidelity of Implementation, the facilitators remain faithful to the program design adhering closely to the program’s model for delivery methods and activities, intensity and dosage, and core components throughout the implementation.

Adaptations or modifications to the program design are sometimes necessary for implementation in real-world settings. 

Proper and minor adaptations that can enhance effectiveness often include:

  • Minor adjustments to lesson scenarios to adjust the wording, terms, or setting to be more reflective of the student population
  • Adjusting the delivery of activities to accommodate the learning needs of the students

Improper adaptations that can reduce or weaken effectiveness or have a counter effect include:

  • Changing the session order, length, or sequence of activities
  • Adding activities that dilute the core message, create time constraints, use ineffective teaching strategies, or create retention problems
  • Replacing or supplementing program materials or activities with non-prescribed alternatives including anecdotes, statistics, and other personal stories or observations

Adaptations should only be made to enhance effectiveness.  Adaptations should not be made for convenience or to suit the implementation style of the facilitator

It is our strong recommendation that facilitators not make adaptation decisions in isolation.  Adaptation decisions should be made collaboratively with the site Implementation Coordinator or other responsible party and a Mendez Foundation program trainer or program developer.

Too Good Adaptation Protocol

Adaptation decisions should not be made in isolation or on a whim, especially during lesson delivery. 

An adaptation is an intentional, predetermined decision made collaboratively with your site’s Implementation Coordinator and a Too Good program developer.  Adaptations are approved at Stage 2: Installation of the Implementation Process to meet the expected outcomes of the program. 

 Adaptations are made in a case-by-case manner.  Your Implementation Coordinator should follow the Too Good Adaptation Protocol before making any adaptations to the program. 

 1. Contact the Developer for Consultation

The program developer will work with you to best achieve 100% Fidelity of Implementation.  If an adaptation is necessary, the developer will advise on the appropriateness of the adaptation and either deny or approve the adaptation.

 2. Document the Adaptation

Approved adaptations should be documented prior to lesson delivery and data collection in order to monitor the effectiveness of the adaptation.

 3. Collect Data

Collect student outcome indicators and process to monitor the effectiveness of your approved adaptation.

  1. Analyze Data

Analyze the outcome and process indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of the adaptation.

 Contact the Developer for a Follow-up Consultation

Consult with the developer about your outcomes to confirm success of the adaptation or to re-evaluate strategies to enhance Fidelity of Implementation at your site for future Too Good Program Implementation.