Celebrating Healthy Choices Grade 3

Children surrounded with positive peer influences make more-responsible, less-risky choices, and are more likely to reach their goals.

Otto Matic is a friendly little robot who introduces students to building healthy friendships. Students identify the benefits of belonging to positive peer groups and compare the characteristics of healthy and unhealthy friendships.


Activity Kit - Item #A5300 


The Too Good toolkit includes everything you need to teach the lessons:

  • Teacher’s Manual
  • Coordinator’s Manual
  • Friendship Rap Poster
  • Friendship Strategy Poster


Curriculum Features include:

  • Three fully scripted 20 minute activities.
  • Clearly stated, measurable objectives and a list of materials needed to teach the activity.
  • Teacher prompts and anticipated student responses keep the delivery easy, paced, and on time.

Replenish Your Kit ( 1 )