Celebrating Healthy Choices Whole School Bundle

Celebrating Healthy Choices provides opportunities for educators to model healthy behavior and work with students as they practice their social emotional skills. This quick one week activity set includes opportunities for parent and community involvement and promotes a positive school climate.

The Whole School Value Pack includes Teacher’s Manuals and Activity Materials for Grades K through 5 with detailed information for school counselors and other faculty planning the implementation. The program features a school-wide assembly planner to introduce the week’s activities, classroom lessons for introducing healthy choices, and a closing ceremony at the end of the week to celebrate what your students have learned.

Celebrating Healthy Choices brings the whole school together to listen, learn, share, and have fun. Use this week of activities and lessons to make the most of positive school-wide celebrations.


Activity Kit Bundle - Item #A5600 


The Too Good toolkit includes everything you need to teach the lessons:

The Celebrating Healthy Choices Whole School Bundle kit includes everything Program Coordinators and Teachers need to implement the program for grades K-5.

Each Kit (6 total in the bundle) includes:

  • Teacher's Manual
  • Coordinator's Manual
  • Grade level support materials (such as games and posters)

(Puppets are sold separately; for specific contents, see each individual grade level kit)

Curriculum Features include:

  • 18 fully scripted 20 minute activities.
  • Clearly stated, measurable objectives and a list of materials needed to teach the activity.
  • Teacher prompts and anticipated student responses keep the delivery easy, paced, and on time.

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