Too Good Grade 6 Bundle

Combine Too Good for Drugs Grade  and TGFV - Social Perspectives Grade 6 into a single 15 lesson implementation covering the Too Good Social Skills Unit, the Substance Use Prevention Unit, and the Violence Prevention and Character Education Unit.

 Each Bundle includes:
  • TGFD Teacher's Manual
  • TGFV - Social Perspectives Teacher's Manual supplement
  • 30 TGFD Student Workbooks
  • 30 Expansion Unit Student Workbooks
  • Activity Materials 

Standard Curriculum Bundles include activity materials for classrooms of 24 students.  Large Curriculum Bundles include activity materials for classrooms of up to 30 students.

To learn more about the individual programs and to view sample lessons and the scope and sequence of the lesson content, follow the links below to the program pages: 

