What's News - 2021 Edition

News · Jan 11, 2021

Too Good in High School - 2021 Editions

The 2021 Edition of Too Good for Drugs High School is an evidence-based program proven to reduce negative behaviors and increase resiliency in High School students. The updated lessons address the negative consequences of vaping nicotine and THC and develop core skills like setting reachable goals, making responsible decisions, and identifying and managing emotions with cooperative learning activities, games, and role-play presented in a fully scripted format.

In the Forensic Files activity, students review evidence on a variety of suspects and recall information on the negative effects of ATOD to determine the culprit. In How Did I Get Here, students determine the influencing factors that lead them to make various choices and understand the sequence of decisions which can compound over time to lead to serious consequences and addiction. The research-based lessons teach critical concepts and provide interactive games and activities to practice and reinforce skills.

The 2021 Edition of Too Good for Violence - Social Perspectives High School  addresses digital citizenship,  promotes resiliency, and strengthens social emotional competency. Engaging interactive games, role play, and cooperative activities provide opportunities to learn character skills and build self-efficacy.

In Dear Gabby, students evaluate a variety of dilemmas and scenarios and learn techniques using effective communication to appropriately manage peer pressure and influence.

Both 10-lesson curricula help educators engage students in building core social-emotional competencies to foster self and social awareness. College and career readiness priorities are woven throughout the courses to prepare students for the challenges they will face in high school and beyond. A combination edition Too Good for Drugs & Violence High School will also be available in its 15 Lesson format.

Interactive Digital Student Workbooks and Classroom Data Packs - High School 

The 2021 Editions of Too Good  in High School will offer the option to purchase interactive digital Student Workbooks, as well as traditional hard-copy workbooks. Interactive Digital Student Workbooks will be available in late summer of 2021 in time for instruction in the Fall term.

In addition to the Interactive Digital Student Workbooks, an optional Data Package including digital versions of the evaluation instruments and student surveys, aggregate analytics reports, and a data dashboard will be available for purchase in late 2021.

Too Good for Drugs Kindergarten 2020 Edition

In the Revised Edition of Too Good for Drugs Kindergarten, Tuggles returns to inspire and delight young learners through fun, engaging, and interactive activities as they learn the fundamentals of social skills development such as making healthy choices, identifying emotions, making friends, and much more in this fully scripted ten-lesson course. An updated delivery model and enhanced interactive learning activities brings the fundamentals of prioritizing making healthy choices to life for young learners as they explore their social world and how their bodies work.

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TGFV - A Peaceable Place Kindergarten 2020 Edition 

In the Revised Edition of Too Good for Violence – A Peaceable Place Kindergarten Tuggles returns to guide young learners to be a part of their peaceable place as they learn to solve problems, address conflict, and manage angry feelings. Through fun, engaging, and interactive activities, students learn the fundamentals of social skills development such as taking turns, identifying emotions, making friends, and much more in this fully scripted ten-lesson course. An updated delivery model and enhanced interactive learning activities promotes peaceful living as young learners learn how to respect themselves and each other, reject bullying, and have a good time doing it.

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Tuggles Tales Original Storybooks

The Tuggles Tales series is a compilation of stories designed to delight and entertain young readers, as well as reinforce key concepts taught in the Too Good programs. Add these sweet titles to your school library today!

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Open Enrollment Training – Atlanta February 2021

­­Open Enrollment Training workshops feature 1-3 days of hands-on curriculum training in a group environment. Training sessions provide a great opportunity to network and share best practices with other professionals.

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2021 Too Good Catalog

Sift through the extensive Too Good programs assortment and replenish your kits at your leisure. An extensive product catalog will be shipping out soon with detailed information about the Too Good program library.

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