Announcing the Revised Editions of Too Good for Drugs and TGFV– A Peaceable Place Kindergarten

News · Aug 03, 2020

When students are provided with skills development experiences through childhood and into adolescence, they develop a stronger sense of self and the ability to make better decisions. The Mendez Foundation is proud to announce the Revised Editions of both Too Good for Drugs and Too Good for Violence – A Peaceable Place for Kindergarten.  The 2020 Editions of these evidence-based programs feature a loveable cast of characters, original storybooks, songs, games, puppets, and scripted lessons for delivery in your Kindergarten classes.  The revised editions follow the same easy-to-teach and fun-to-learn format central to all of the Too Good programs.  Informed by our logic model, research-backed behavioral learning strategies, and theoretical constructs, the Too Good programs offer a comprehensive, coordinated approach to skills development and prevention education.


Too Good for Drugs Kindergarten 2020 Edition

Too Good for Drugs Kindergarten 2020 Edition features Tuggles and his friends. Tuggles and his pals walk students through skill development such as making healthy choices, identifying emotions, making friends, and much more in this fully scripted ten-lesson course. Students will love singing along with the Feelings Song and relating to  Tuggles as he experiences a day of varied emotions on a fishing trip in the original storybook, Tuggles Catches a Feeling. Students learn healthy friendship qualities and practice a variety of ways to introduce themselves as part of making new friendships. Students also practice social skills in cooperative games, such as The Friendship Trail. In this game, Tuggles and his friends have to work together to get to their cabin before sundown. If they fight or are mean to each other, they will not make it there in time. Through these engaging and interactive activities, students learn about managing peer-pressure, safe and unsafe use of prescription and over-the-counter medications, as well as information about harmful substances, such as alcohol and tobacco. This age-appropriate curriculum provides the components children need for positive youth and drug prevention development. The TGFD 2020 Kindergarten Edition sets a strong foundation for youth protective factors while having fun with stories, games, and more.


TGFV - A Peaceable Place Kindergarten 2020 Edition

TGFV- A Peaceable Place Kindergarten 2020 Edition lessons present social-emotional skills in two units, chock full of fun and adventures hosted by Tuggles and his loveable pals. The first unit develops five character development skills: setting reachable goals, making responsible decisions, identifying and managing emotions, effective communication, and bonding and relationships. The second half of this ten-week course includes five skill application lessons that also introduce information about respect for self and others, anger management and mindfulness, problem solving, sharing, and taking turns. Students will love singing along to the original songs, such as the Respect for You and Me song with Tuggles. Activities and games featuring tree houses, craft making, and adventure parks make it easy and fun for students to learn about taking turns, sharing, conflict resolution, and more. Program lessons and activities help kids realize that as individuals and as a group, they are too good for bullying and violence. The 2020 Edition delivers social-emotional learning through a fun and interactive journey with song, stories, games, and puppet pals to delight and inspire young learners.


Available in Late Fall 2020

The Kindergarten 2020 Editions of Too Good for Drugs and Too Good for Violence – A Peaceable Place are universal, violence prevention and character education programs that teach foundational social skills, attitudes, and behaviors to help kindergarteners differentiate between feelings and actions, encourage respect between peers, and celebrate diversity. Too Good for Drugs Kindergarten 2020 Edition and TGFV- A Peaceable Place Kindergarten 2020 Edition will be available fall of this year.


About Too Good

Too Good is a comprehensive K-12 family of substance use and violence prevention education programs designed to mitigate risk factors and build protection within the child to prevent problem behaviors. Too Good develops a framework of prevention through the development of social emotional skill development in addition to peer pressure refusal, pro-social bonding, conflict resolution, and media literacy. Too Good builds a foundation for a safe, supportive, and respectful learning environment. Our evidence-based, skill building programs make a positive impact on the lives of students, teachers, parents and community leaders nationwide.

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