What's News? Spring 2024

News · May 28, 2024

Curriculum News

Research Based Nutrition Education

Seeds of Nutrition - Grade 6

We are more likely to make healthy food choices when we hold a strong internal commitment to our health and well-being.  That commitment is essential to establish in children at an early age.  To counter the innate sense of invincibility in youth, we must guide children to take more seriously the responsibility we have to take care of ourselves from a young age so we can reach the goals and fulfill the dreams we set for ourselves in life.

Seeds of Nutrition explores the role of Nutrients, Hydration, Exercise, and Rest in healthy body function to equip students with an understanding of what the body needs as a prevention strategy to better inform their decision making.    Seeds of Nutrition lessons and activities strengthen the students’ ability to set and reach personal goals, plan their actions, evaluate their choices, develop the skills to solve problems, and explore how goals, peers, media, and family influence their decisions.

Our innovative approach to prevention-based nutrition education fosters the commitment to health with the skills to realize a healthy future and reach their potential.  The course’s hands-on, interactive activities and inventive role-play immerse the children in the learning so they will be more likely to adopt expectations and norms consistent with a healthy lifestyle.

We invite you to learn more about Seeds of Nutrition and how it can be a part of your efforts to prepare children for their healthy futures.

Learn More

Substance Use and Violence Prevention Education

Too Good for Drugs & A Peaceable Place - Grade 4
2024 Edition

Self-efficacy and the fundamental skills for peaceful living are at the core of Too Good for Drugs & A Peaceable Place.  This bundle of Substance Use prevention education and Violence Prevention education builds a foundation of skills development and knowledge to prepare fourth graders to resist and reject unhealthy and aggressive behaviors.

Students explore strategies to communicate assertively, disagree respectfully, and cooperate to resolve conflict as they learn to identify and manage their emotions and bond with positive, pro-social peers.

Students also learn the negative health effects of the misuse of prescription and over the counter medicines, nicotine products, and alcohol as they build their commitment to making healthy choices.

Through interactive social activities, this comprehensive prevention intervention develops the essential skills to mitigate impulse and other risk factors for engaging in substance use and aggressive behavior.

Learn More

Prevention Best Practices

Live Positive

It’s safe to assume most students are already thinking about the end of the school year and what they are planning to do in the summertime. Maybe you are too. You and your students have certainly accomplished many great things this year. Great job!

However, there are still more things you and your students can do to ensure they continue to practice and reinforce the positive skills they’ve learned throughout the year.

Consider this. Work with your students to organize your classroom to get it ready for the fall.  An organized learning space boosts student focus and attention, and being a part in its upkeep bolsters their satisfaction in what they’ve accomplished and their anticipation of what they have to look forward to in the fall.

When students have a shared role in the maintenance and organization of the classroom, it demonstrates the positive connections they’ve developed with their classmates and builds the affinity they have towards their learning environment. An organized space is a relaxed space.  

Positive behaviors prove most impactful when they’re replicated and reinforced on a regular basis, and you can infuse that reinforcement into their activities outside of the classroom setting.  Encourage your students to collaborate with their friends to plant a garden for the community. Gardening is a great goal-oriented project for students that reaffirms their self-efficacy skills including their sense of personal responsibility and joint determination. The planning, planting, monitoring, and maintenance essential to a productive garden serve as a kid-sized simulation of collaborative project management that requires collaboration, team building, and self-regulation for a successful outcome.

Students get to move around quite a lot when they garden. Physical activity is part of the fun. Gardening also boosts students’ self-confidence and reminds them to be patient in order to be able to enjoy the “fruits of their labor.” Planting a garden also helps students appreciate where food comes from and the nutrients foods provide the organs in the body to keep it running smoothly and functioning properly.

These are just a few things you can do to continue to build and reinforce the self-efficacy and interpersonal skills in your students. The more they practice using them, the more likely they will incorporate them into their daily lives in school, after school, and throughout their lives.

Start Planting Your Seeds Today.

Upcoming Open Enrollment Trainings

Curriculum Trainings:

June 18-20, 2024 – Chicago, IL
August 6-8, 2024 – Los Angeles, CA
October 8-10, 2024 - Boston, MA

Training of Trainers Workshop:

July 16-17, 2024 - Atlanta, GA

Too Good Curriculum Trainings combine evidence-based prevention strategies and proven best practices to give you the skills, knowledge base, and confidence to deliver Too Good effectively and with results.  Our professional trainers bring extensive, real-world classroom experience to the training sessions so you can get the most out of your Too Good implementation.  

Single day sessions at each development level for Too Good for Drugs and Too Good for Violence, for Elementary, Middle School, and High School and Middle School for Seeds of Nutrition are available.

Register Here

Upcoming Conferences

Here's where we'll be in the next few months.  If you're in the area, stop by and say hello.  We'd love to see you and find out how your prevention efforts are going.

National Prevention Network
August 13-15, 2024 - Phoenix, AZ

Commonwealth Prevention Alliance Annual Conference
June 12-14, 2024 - Harrisburg, PA

Champions for Youth Summit
September 30-October 2, 2024 – Reston, VA

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